
Twisted Pixels - Psycho Clown created and posted on DeviantArt by Nitr0gene

Twisted Pixels - Psycho Clown created and posted on DeviantArt by Nitr0gene

That bitch better not get all the attention AGAIN today. Here I am, about to risk my life for these pathetic hicks in this middle-of-nowhere-shitsville, and miss chicken-feet over there just struts around, making a fool out of herself, and all eyes go on her. I mean, what do I look like? A flower?

Suzie, the ‘hanging woman’, tightened her grip around the noose in her hand. She stepped up onto her stool and put the knotted rope around her neck.

They ask me to play along. ‘Put this noose around your neck Suzie, and we’ll teach you how to cock your neck just right so you won’t choke to death.’ And she gets a stupid chicken suit? ‘Paint your face like a clown Suzie, you’ll attract more patrons that way.’ And she gets a strap on beak that she can take off in one second?

Suzie tilted her head to the side, keeping her air-flow in tact, and stepped off. She hung there limp and closed her eyes. The striped canvas was pulled back as two men entered the tent. Bob ripped up the tickets they had just bought at a booth outside. Ricky was already doing a good job of selling the ‘freak show’ today. His sales had been through the roof lately. 

The men flocked over to the chicken-lady.

Why can’t I get that job sometimes? I understand the risk that one guy will visit the fair in two different cities, spot the difference, and point out the whole show as a fraud, but this was too unfair.

True, the firebreather and his sword-swallowing twin had reminded her that it could be worse; she could be stuck growing hair from her chin. That excuse didn’t work with Suzie though. Afterall, the bearded-lady liked her job. She found her hair to be erotic, and it was no secret around camp that the wolfman did too.

The two men watched as the girl across the way flapped her arms and clucked. They pointed and laughed.

“Lay an egg for me, freak!” they yelled.

When they grew bored, they moved on futher into the tent where the mermaid’s tank was set up. They didn’t even glance at Suzie.

If this keeps up, they’ll cancel my act.

When all of the patrons were out of earshot, and the chicken-lady sat down in her ‘nest’, Suzie yelled to her from her hanging position. “Take a break outside of the tent, will ya?” Bob gave her a warning glance, but she continued. “I’m gettin nothing here!”

Her nemesis slid the beak to her chin. Bob was close to pinching together the tent flaps just in case patrons busted in on the scene.

“It’s not my fault you’re act is dry. Maybe you should drown in the mermaid tank instead.”

Suzie growled.

Bob coughed at the two ladies as he heard Ricky outside barking up another deal. They went back to their business.

What if I actually did die? Nobody would care, that is if they even noticed. They’d just say ‘oh Suzie has been practicing her act a lot in the past MONTH’. Maybe when the flies come they’d think differently.

This time, a woman and a boy entered into the tent.  Through her closed eyes, Suzie heard a gasp.

Great, another screamer I bet.

“Sir, what is that hanging there?” The woman asked in a very concerned and stern tone.

Suzie had to hold back a smile.

“That’s the hanging woman,” Bob explained. “She had once been an innocent girl, turned evil by the devil. Years ago, she stumbled upon our camp and attempted to burn it down. We caught her before the deed was done, and hung her. The deal she made with the devil has kept her body in perfect condition.”

“Well, I find that to be highly inappropriate!” She yelled.

“This is the freak tent, miss.”

“I don’t care! Billy, stop dawdling at that chicken, we’re leaving!”

“But mom-”

“No buts! Get over here! And YOU sir,” she paused, “you better believe that I’m telling everyone what kind of SICK business you’re running here! BILLY, NOW!”


The tent opened and they exited. Bob followed after. Soon, Ricky’s voice popped up in defense as the woman tried to get her money back.

Suzie slipped out of her noose and sat on the stool.

“Sounds like you’re through Suzie. You better high-tail it out of here before Bob gets back.”

“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Suzie bit.

A few seconds went by and Bob made his way back into the tent. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” He yelled at Suzie. “Get back in that noose!”

“You’re not canceling me?” Suzie was surprised.

“Not yet. One more complaint like that though, and it’s out of my hands. Now put that noose around your neck and die already. We have another wave of men outside waiting.”

“I’m sick of this Bob! Nobody likes the hanging lady!”

“So what?” Bob was getting frustrated. “You think we all love our lives here? We can’t afford to be picky. So, suck it up and get back on your stool!”

Suzie didn’t move, out of protest. Her mind was busy racing.

He only cares about the business. I’m so tired of everyone only caring about the BUSINESS! What about me? What about my happiness? I didn’t run away from home for THIS!

“NOW!” Bob yelled under his breath.

Suzie made up her mind. She was done with this world.

“FINE” she said.

Bob watched as she climbed back up onto her stool. He made a hurry up motion with his hand as he waited to open up the tent again.

“I’m just going to make sure it’s still tight enough,” Suzie said in a deflated tone as she tugged on the rope. Bob sighed. She pulled a few more times, harder and harder.

“Get on with it!” Bob piped up.

With a final tug, Suzie snapped the rod the rope hung from. Part of the tent nearby collapsed. The mermaid screamed. Suzie ran over to the chicken lady, flung the noose around her neck, and pulled. The woman lost her balance and fell over onto her side, screams muffled through her beak. Bob launched himself at Suzie as she tried dragging the chicken-lady towards the back of the tent.

His hands made contact with her head, and the two of them tumbled down to the hard dirt. She was no match for the large brute that was now on top of her, pinning her down. Bob twisted her wrist, and Suzie lost her grip on the rope. She thought it would end there, but Bob kept moving. He picked up the end of the noose Suzie had just dropped, and wrapped it around her neck. The world around her started to black out as her body convulsed, desperate for oxygen.

This is the end. This is how I die.

The world went in slow motion as Bob’s face started disappearing into the darkness. Her hearing was also going. She felt drowzy. She wanted to go to sleep.

Suzie was almost deaf when the gun went off. It sounded more like a dull thump than the sharp bang one usually hears. Bob’s grip loosened. His expression went blank. His body slowly fell closer to Suzie. Just as he was about to land on top of her, his arm buckled up and he fell to the right.

Ricky ran over, smoking barrel in hand. He pushed the dead man off of her. Suzie’s lungs filled up with air once more. Ricky helped her to a sitting position and offered her some water from the canteen in his back pocket. A few seconds went by and Suzie was back in the moment. She still felt exhausted. Her body ached.

She looked over at the chicken-lady laying on the ground as limp as a noodle, face as purple as a plum.

“Are you ok?” Ricky asked as he surveyed the scene. Suzie didn’t respond. “Who knew Bob would flip out like that,” he continued. “That complaint really got to him, but I didn’t think he’d take it out on you two like this! Let’s get you to a bed. Everything will be ok. It’s alright.”

Suzie passed out.

When she awoke, she was scotch free. Everyone blamed Bob for the incident. Nobody believed for a second that Suzie was strong enough to break the noose free, and for the rest of her short life, Suzie was promoted to be the new chicken-lady.

Two months later she bashed the snake charmer’s head in, and was then bitten by the very pets she had wished to own. The venom killed her in less than ten minutes.

Apparently the grass wasn’t greener on the other side of the road, but Suzie, the new chicken-lady had crossed it anyway.

–Suzie: Inspired by ‘Twisted Pixels – Psycho Clown’ created and posted on DeviantArt by Nitr0gene

~ by Robbie on July 27, 2009.

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